Ken Jackson

Ken Jackson

Sales Representative

Mobile: 416.525.6500

Phone: 416.366.8800

Buying or selling a home is a big decision - you need an experienced professional to guide you through the process. When you work with me, you can count on personal, attentive, patient service, excellent knowledge of the area, great negotiation skills and expert selling strategies.
I've been in your shoes as both a buyer and a seller.  Trust me to guide you through the many steps so you experience a winning feeling and come through at the end happy and smiling!

Featured Testimonial

Ken, is less a agent and more a humane fellow who helps other doing a extra mile which is very unique. We all as family are highly oblige for his kindness and extra ordinary support to us. I must acknowledge that Ken did more than a real estate agent for us (like introducing Mark as lawyer and Kristi as sale listing agent) alongwith having patience to bear us being less knowledgeable client. I can be honest that it was Ken trust which made all this happened. Thank you Ken.

Farhat A. (Buyer)

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